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Top 5 Most Recent Games

The latest games may not be the most exciting games of the year, but they’re the ones that stand out most. They’re the ones that you’ll be talking about and playing for a long time after they’re released – whether that’s for their compelling stories, enveloping scenes, or even their unstoppable gameplay.

While many sequels are iterative enhancements of an existing formula, XCOM 2 rises above its predecessor with a fresh perspective and a overhauled combat system that has an endless range of options for experienced players. It’s among the few titles to be both kid-friendly and mature, with a great factor that doesn’t compromise its intelligence.

As the first non-Squaresoft game that utilizes the new Unreal Engine 4 software, Brutal Legend proves that classic action still packs a punch. The game oozes nostalgia through every crevice, and has an aesthetic that combines dark beauty of PS1 classics with the stunning beauty of contemporary action games.

Despite some of the most tedious grinds in the genre, Spec Ops: The Line is an excellent shooter that’s more focused on the story than ever before. It’s the most interesting entry to date in the series, featuring an eerie setting that’s familiar yet difficult to connect with and a character that’s familiar but also difficult to empathise.

Final Fantasy XIV is back in the good books of players despite a absence of content. It follows a period of lows that began with Warlords Of Draenor. The game’s resurgence can be attributable to a renewed emphasis on storytelling and the constant commitment of the team behind the game to keep improving the base experience through a variety of extensions that make it one of the few subscriptions to an MMO you’ll be able to keep.

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