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Identifying and Protecting Intellectual Property

Intellectual property can take a variety forms from brands and logos to company-owned products, processes and services. The identification and protection of your company’s crown jewels is essential for maintaining your competitive edge in the world of business. There are many ways to safeguard your IP from being taken, repurposed or used in a fraudulent manner.

While the cost of protecting your IP may seem high, it’s important to remember that protecting your intellectual property is not only about stopping thieves from stealing your money. It’s about creating a vibrant economy. According to Forbes, “The unauthorized use of inventions or creations by other people threatens innovation and damages the U.S. economy.”

There are a variety of steps to safeguard your IP. Start by identifying what makes your business distinctive and which assets require the most protection. You can then make plans to safeguard these assets. This could include registering trademarks, copyrights and patents, as well as signing non-disclosure agreements with employees.

Maintain a detailed record of your intellectual property, especially when you’re in the process of creating or developing an invention. This will allow you to prove that your ideas were original and will provide you with the evidence required to prove the idea if an intellectual property dispute occurs in the future. It could be in the form or detailed drawings and descriptions, technical data, records, and plans. These documents should be time-stamped in order to establish rights and provide evidence.

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