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How to Use Lego Cheat Code

How to use lego cheat code

You’re probably aware that there are hidden gems in LEGO games that can make them more enjoyable. There are numerous ways to spice up your experience including stud multipliers to fun game modifiers, like Force Ghost Yoda.

While cheat codes have become less popular in gaming, Lego games are keeping the tradition alive with different codes that unlock different items, giving players more options to play. The 2022 version of the game is no different. This article will provide all codes that can be used in order to unlock characters, ships, and stud multipliers.

Cheat codes in the LEGO Star Wars series work slightly differently than other games, and they can be activated using an additional menu that’s not immediately made available to players. Rather than having to open the Holoprojector or the pause menu to access cheat codes, players can simply go to the Extras tab and select the ‘Enter Code’ option.

The menu will then show an electronic keyboard that the player can type in the cheat code. The player will receive an email confirming that the cheat code has been added to the game.

how to use lego cheat code

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