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How to Conduct a Board Self-Assessment

Board Self-Assessment

No one oversees a board individually, so it’s important that it take a clear look at itself as a collective. Self-assessments by boards are an essential element of governance practices for boards and aid in ensuring that boards can effectively fulfill their leadership roles in turbulent times.

The results of these assessments highlight strengths in governance and areas where the board could improve its performance to better meet its governance obligations. They you could try here provide valuable insight to guide the board’s actions and attention during the next year. A board can conduct its own assessment with the assistance of a board development consultant or use a commercially available tool. One option that is suitable for many non-profit organizations is the Board Self-Assessment Questionnaire, developed by the Center and utilized by hundreds of board members in the US and across the world since 2009.

We recommend that you determine the scope of your assessment should you decide to conduct it yourself. Many boards choose to assess the entire board, the board leadership and/or specific committees. Having clarity around the goal and procedure for the assessment is critical to getting a positive result.

Once you’ve determined the scope of your assessment You should consider involving a neutral third-party to facilitate the process. A skilled facilitator can help to guide the discussion and ensure that all board members feel at ease providing honest feedback.

Some boards decide to compare their self-assessment results against those of other health institutions or hospitals. However, due to significant differences in structure, size, and scope of authority, many databases don’t offer apples-to -apples comparisons.

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