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How to Choose Board Portal Software for Business

Board portal software can enhance business meetings by reducing the time spent on preparing and distributing materials for meetings. It also helps save money since it lowers the cost of binders, paper, and courier services. There are a lot of different options available which is why it is essential to select the best product for your company’s specific needs.

Find a portal for boards that is user-friendly and easy to use. Board members are typically busy people and will be more likely to adopt the system when they are able to use. Also, consider a solution that permits directors to view agendas and board books on any device. This is crucial for digital natives and board members of the millennial generation who want to use the same tools in their personal lives.

Another consideration is how secure the system is. Board-level documents are extremely sensitive and must be protected from unauthorized access. Make sure the portal has a secure document center and supports an encryption protocol. It is also advised to not store confidential files within email inboxes because this could cause security issues and expose sensitive information.

Also consider a built-in electronic signature service which is compliant with industry standards and able to verify authenticity digitally. This can speed up meetings and ensure that documents are signed securely. Lastly, look for an efficient storage system that offers archiving and can be accessed online as well as offline.

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